Tuesday, April 27, 2010

25 random facts about me.. :D

My friend, tagged me into this!! I thought that would be fun and so here it is!!
Random facts about me:
1) I am a total perfectionist in some tasks and equally not in others.
2) I like it when I wake up in the morning and its raining outside.
3) I cannot sleep many times because I have so many thoughts, ideas and plans in my mind, that I feel I will waste time if I sleep.
4) I am famous for going out of contact with people but if you really mean something to me, I will definitely come back some day!!
5) I really really don't care about what people talk behind my back, because thats something I was not meant to know... :)
6) I am a Libran to the core... I love art, intelligence, creativity.. I often plan ahead, always give importance to detailing..... and most of all... I always try to seek balance based on fair consideration of all options... believe it or not.. :P
7) I genuinely like listening to someone who wants to talk... not because I want to gossip about it but because I will be happy if I can use my experiences to help enlighten a situation.
8) I have a very bad face memory... so if I do not see you for a while and happen to ignore you when I see you next.. it just means I have forgotten your face!!!! Please don't misunderstand!! If you still come and talk to me, I will remember you right away.. because I have a sharp memory otherwise... :P
9) I am always ready to do something outright crazy.. :D
10) Whenever I am uncomfortable in a group, I either start talking a lot or I just pick up my phone and start talking to no one... ;)... see that's why I always keep my phone silent!!!!
11) I like trouble shooting... that's the best way to let out the creativity.
12) I used to not like stuffed toys when I was in India.... but I suddenly became crazy about stuffed animals after coming to US... something that I cannot find logic for!!!
13) I like to be resourceful.
14) I love travelling... but not alone.. with my favourite people.. :D
15) Driving is something I almost never say no to....... and my dad's Wagon R back home is my darling.... :P... I wish I could bring it to US.
16) Whenever I go shopping, I usually head to the clearance section first... ;)
17) My favourite time pass is playing 'Bricks' on my phone.
18) I sometimes like to be alone.... I am not sad, not angry, not depressed... I am just looking for my space.
19) I am more comfortable writing an email or chatting than talking on phone with strangers.
20) During winter and spring of US, my eyes water soooo much that I often feel dehydrated.. and everyone else thinks I am always crying... :o
21) I like talking to people on phone while I am alone in a journey.... I actually prefer that over listening music... because this is when I catch up with most of my friends and family.
22) I usually have messy desk, but that mess has a logic and believe me its faster for me to find things in that mess than on an organized desk.
23) I am a complete foodie... while I like trying everything else.... I do not like unauthentic Marathi dishes.... :)
24) I like the smells of paint, petrol, varnish and a new book... :D
25) And as you can clearly see here...... I am a narcissist!!!! :D :D :D

I tag following people to do the same:
Swarup, Shilpa, Chaitu, Sayali P, Gaurav, Archana, Sudhu


Chaitali... said...

DDT!!! I will write soon :)

Shilpa Ramesh Maiya said...

25 things?
this will take some time honey!