Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Coming-out-of-the-cocoon Effect!!!

Wow.. irregularity in my blog writing has reached its peak in this last year. Well, I would like to believe I was too busy.. :P and really I was!! I have started writing, but I don't really know, what I want to write about today. After reading my older posts, I feel like a butterfly now... stop giggling.. I am talking about coming-out-of-the-cocoon effect!!
I don't want to brag, but one can't stop being much more confident after having done so many things in a few months time. So thats my secret, I have come out of the cocoon that was created by my stupid self. Seriously all inhibitions, all limits, all incapabilities are usually self-created. And one day or the other life makes you come out of it.. it should, because then, sky is the limit and you find ways to do anything you want to. I remember those days back in India, when I wanted to but never gathered courage to join college dance group... because I told myself that 'you have no dance training, so you won't be able to dance like others'. Thats a cocoon of my own thoughts. It was an accident, I am thankful of.. that Sudhu saw me dancing once and we instantly hit it off as dancing buddies. Now that I have come out the bubble it feels great to be a part of a choreography or even just the thought process of creating a dance performance.
Circumstances are most of the times going to be against your will, but fighting them back and achieving something is fun. Its like pushing the limits everytime you do something. Its like juggling... first you start with 2 rings, once you master it pick up the third one, then fourth and keep picking up till you think you have tested yourself enough.
So thought of the day: Opportunities will come knocking if you create a door first!!
Hmm another dose of gyan.. but I am happy to have finally written something on blog. Thanks Swarup for nagging constantly, due to which I wrote this stuff down. Good or not.. who cares.. this is where my mind wanted to take me at the moment!!!


Jimmy said...

Very Nice!! love it where u talk abt creating a door!! keep writing.

DeePee said...

go go baby! why ever limit yourself to anything? especially, those laid down by the idiotic society?

Darth Vader: Your powers are weak, old man.
Obi-Wan: You can't win, Darth. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.

Adu Chips said...

@ Jimmy - Thanks!! :)
@ DeePee - well society and its limit is altogether different topic, beyond the scope of this post.. will write about it sometime later.. :)

DeePee said...

well, the society made u feel that u needed dance training to dance. the inhibitions, limits, incapabilities were relative to the standards set by the society, right? u discovered your colours once u freed yourself from the gooey silky tentacles of the society or what u refer to as cocoon, right?

Unknown said...

nice post :) its always good to be able to rediscover yourself.

Adu Chips said...

well DP, what u saying is right, but u need to understand u r not diff than the society... u r an integral part of it and this fact creates an altogether different dynamics, so I am limiting this equation to an environment called me.. see that now??

Adu Chips said...

@ Sudhu.. thanks :)

DeePee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeePee said...

your trust in society and the belief that one is an integral part of it (as opposed to vice versa) is refreshing. but, if you aren't different than the society, how can there be a micro environment in the first place?
last comment, pwomise.

Adu Chips said...

can't there be a smaller circle in a larger circle??.. @DP

Swarup said...

You are what people think you are!!

It's a pleasure to know you have found something that you love and love doing. Many people know what they love, did what they loved, but cannot do what they love anymore.

Glad to see you are alive again on your blog :-). I am humbled by your acknowledgment. Keep the good stuff coming.

You will be what god thinks you should be!!


Sayli said...

Loved it coz u r talkin bout dance!!!!! N i love dancing alottt!!!!

Chaitali... said...

so true as usual adu! I can see myself hiding behind some inhibitions which i m convinced i should get out of :)
u rock!